One feature of our lives over the last twelve months has been the importance of rules and regulations and the need to keep them. Today we are looking at the rules that God has given us to keep us safe in his love and in his ways.

The bigger picture of what it means to follow Christ.

We are living through a story the world tells us, about fear and disease, economic collapse and restricted lives. But this is not the whole of how things are....

Today we focus on the moment when Jesus’ authority and power is revealed in his first miracle during the wedding at Cana.

The Sovereignty of Christ. Service led by Rev Olwen Woolcock with Bishop Donald giving the sermon.

When do you recognise Jesus?

God can do the most amazing things. All we have to do is trust Him.

The glowing colours of the Spirit.

A family service to celebrate and give thanks for the NHS on its 72nd Anniversary.
The children and young people of the church have helped make this service and it includes interviews with two of our doctors.