Saturday 17th December at 3.00pm
‘Nativity in the Woods’
Ketton Forest School, High Street, Ketton,
(Opposite Chater Lodge)
Great for families and young people – with refreshments
Sunday 18th December 4.00pm
Tinwell Carol Service in All Saints Church
Refreshments afterwards
Wednesday 21st December 7.00pm
Village Carol Service
at St Mary’s Ketton
Christmas Eve 4.00pm
at St. Mary’s Ketton
Christmas Eve 9.00pm
Early Midnight Service
St. Mary’s Ketton
Christmas Day Service
9.00am All Saints – Tinwell
10.30am St Mary’s Ketton
Please note the collections taken at Christmas Services will be donated to charities: The Children’s Society and e ‘Bereavement and Loss Matters’